【Processing】教程 百度网盘(12.17G)


【Processing】教程 百度网盘(12.17G)

【Processing】教程 百度网盘(12.17G)


【Processing】教程 [12.17G]

Processing入门(3讲) [3.82G]

01.avi [1.55G]

02.avi [1.21G]

03.avi [1.06G]

二锅头【processing零基础中文教程】入门篇(艺术生适用) [319.64M]

1.1.voidsetup梦开始的地方(Av753435293,P1).mp4 [15.93M]

10.10.mouseX,mouseY鼠标交互(Av753435293,P10).mp4 [8.27M]

11.11.for循环(Av753435293,P11).mp4 [23.78M]

12.12.for循环的嵌套(Av753435293,P12).mp4 [47.74M]

13.13.if,else判断语句(Av753435293,P13).mp4 [22.73M]

14.14.&&和,且与或(Av753435293,P14).mp4 [28.41M]

2.2.background(Av753435293,P2).mp4 [18.77M]

3.3.ellipse椭圆(Av753435293,P3).mp4 [29.34M]

4.4.fill填充颜色(Av753435293,P4).mp4 [27.24M]

5.5.stroke调整边框(Av753435293,P5).mp4 [18.86M]

6.6.random随机取值(Av753435293,P6).mp4 [11.22M]

7.7.voiddraw梦循环的地方(Av753435293,P7).mp4 [21.20M]

8.8.颜色位置的调整技巧(Av753435293,P8).mp4 [13.42M]

9.9.int,float,boolean数据类型(Av753435293,P9).mp4 [32.72M]

二锅头【processing零基础中文教程】熟练篇(艺术生适用) [1.34G]

1.1.弹弹球(Av668445460,P1).mp4 [244.35M]

2.2.向量(1)(Av668445460,P2).mp4 [114.74M]

3.3.向量(2)(Av668445460,P3).mp4 [269.96M]

4.4.改变参考系(Av668445460,P4).mp4 [75.33M]

5.5.三角函数(Av668445460,P5).mp4 [148.15M]

6.6.做个作品吧(1)(Av668445460,P6).mp4 [63.07M]

7.7.做个作品吧(2)(Av668445460,P7).mp4 [94.50M]

8.8.做个作品吧(3)(Av668445460,P8).mp4 [81.75M]

9.9.做个作品吧(4)(Av668445460,P9).mp4 [284.31M]

中文字幕 processing官方基础教程 [6.70G]

1.0.0 Introduction – Processing Tutorial(Av97056329,P1).mp4 [67.24M]

10.2.2_ RGB Color – Processing Tutorial(Av97056329,P10).mp4 [299.93M]

11.3.1_ Flow (setup and draw) – Processi(Av97056329,P11).mp4 [208.17M]

12.3.2_ Built-in Variables (mouseX, mous(Av97056329,P12).mp4 [161.06M]

13.3.3_ Events (mousePressed, keyPressed(Av97056329,P13).mp4 [105.27M]

14.4.1_ Variables – Processing Tutorial(Av97056329,P14).mp4 [276.73M]

15.4.2_ Incrementing a Variable – Proces(Av97056329,P15).mp4 [161.90M]

16.4.3_ Using random – Processing Tuto(Av97056329,P16).mp4 [170.93M]

17.4.4_ Using println – Processing Tut(Av97056329,P17).mp4 [77.63M]

18.5.1_ Boolean Expressions – Processing(Av97056329,P18).mp4 [165.66M]

19.5.2_ If, Else If, Else – Processing T(Av97056329,P19).mp4 [165.78M]

2.0.1_ Who are you Who am I – Processing(Av97056329,P2).mp4 [47.14M]

20.5.3_ Logical Operators_ AND, OR – Pro(Av97056329,P20).mp4 [147.34M]

21.5.4_ Boolean Variables – Processing T(Av97056329,P21).mp4 [127.69M]

22.5.5_ The Bouncing Ball – Processing T(Av97056329,P22).mp4 [164.84M]

23.6.1_ While Loop – Processing Tutorial(Av97056329,P23).mp4 [163.66M]

24.6.2_ Two Loops _ Grid Exercise – Proc(Av97056329,P24).mp4 [22.12M]

25.6.3_ For Loop – Processing Tutorial(Av97056329,P25).mp4 [102.88M]

26.6.4_ Variable Scope – Processing Tuto(Av97056329,P26).mp4 [133.89M]

27.6.5_ Loop vs. Draw – Processing Tutor(Av97056329,P27).mp4 [49.29M]

28.6.6_ Nested Loops – Processing Tutori(Av97056329,P28).mp4 [49.49M]

29.7.1_ Introduction to Functions and Ob(Av97056329,P29).mp4 [45.65M]

3.0.2_ How and why should you learn Prog(Av97056329,P3).mp4 [110.19M]

30.7.2_ Functions Basics – Processing Tu(Av97056329,P30).mp4 [70.75M]

31.7.3_ Modularity with Functions – Proc(Av97056329,P31).mp4 [64.89M]

32.7.4_ Reusability with Functions – Pro(Av97056329,P32).mp4 [53.95M]

33.8.1_ What is Object-Oriented Programm(Av97056329,P33).mp4 [111.20M]

34.8.2_ Defining a Class Part I – Proces(Av97056329,P34).mp4 [107.02M]

35.8.3_ Defining a Class Part II – Proce(Av97056329,P35).mp4 [155.05M]

36.8.4_ Constructor Arguments – Processi(Av97056329,P36).mp4 [156.70M]

37.8.5_ More on Objects – Processing Tut(Av97056329,P37).mp4 [170.31M]

38.8.6_ Pass by Value vs. Pass by Refere(Av97056329,P38).mp4 [88.38M]

39.9.1_ What is an Array – Processing Tu(Av97056329,P39).mp4 [103.60M]

4.0.3_ What is programming – Processing (Av97056329,P4).mp4 [161.92M]

40.9.2_ Declare, Initialize, and Use an (Av97056329,P40).mp4 [144.19M]

41.9.3_ Arrays of Objects – Processing T(Av97056329,P41).mp4 [63.87M]

42.9.4_ Arrays and Loops – Processing Tu(Av97056329,P42).mp4 [167.59M]

43.9.5_ Arrays of Flexible Size – Proces(Av97056329,P43).mp4 [153.66M]

43.9.5_ Arrays of Flexible Size – Proces(Av97056329,P43)_20200904_200516.mp4 [153.66M]

44.10.1_ Intro to Images – Processing Tu(Av97056329,P44).mp4 [195.48M]

45.10.2_ Animate an Image – Processing T(Av97056329,P45).mp4 [103.89M]

46.10.3_ An Array of Images – Processing(Av97056329,P46).mp4 [162.64M]

48.10.5_ Image Processing with Pixels – (Av97056329,P48).mp4 [215.06M]

49.10.6_ Pixel Neighbors – Processing Tu(Av97056329,P49).mp4 [195.81M]

5.0.4_ What are some programming languag(Av97056329,P5).mp4 [290.42M]

6.0.5_ Processing Examples – Processing (Av97056329,P6).mp4 [274.46M]

7.0.6 Overview of Topics – Processing Tu(Av97056329,P7).mp4 [181.46M]

8.1.1_ Drawing with Pixels – Processing (Av97056329,P8).mp4 [100.48M]

9.2.1_ How to use Processing – Processin(Av97056329,P9).mp4 [187.22M]




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